
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Itsy Bitsy Spider?!

I saw this spider yesterday while mowing the lawn. I thought it was going to jump off the cement on to my face and start eating me. Hello! This thing was huge! I ran and got the camera and had the boys come and look at it. I made sure they stayed well away from it. I don't know what kind it is, or if it's poisonous, but I wasn't about to try and find out. After we messed with it for a bit I smashed it with a big stick. When we did that I figured out that it must have been carrying a bunch of eggs in that huge bubble on its back. You could see the individual eggs in all the goo that came out. SO DISGUSTING! I was not about to let this thing live, crawling around my house or all those babies that it would have had. YUCK! I get the willies just looking at the pictures. I wonder how many more of these things are out there!

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